Director of Team for Digitalization at the Office of the Prime Minister, Republic of Serbia
Marta A. Tomovska is the Director of Team for Digitalization at the Office of the Prime Minister of Serbia. Previously, she was Macedonian Minister for ICT and Public Administration, and a C-level executive in several companies in the IT and telecommunication industry. She is considered to be one of the pioneers of the internet access in the Western Balkans, leading one of the first Internet Service Providers and several cyber security initiatives. Certified by the UN's ITU for building national digital innovation ecosystems, she is now advising governments, organizations and corporations on digital transformation and innovation.
Marta is a member of the Global Future Council on the Future of Technology Policy of the World Economic Forum (term 2023-2024), Executive Board Member and Grand Jury Member at the World Summit Awards (UN flagship), Tech Advocates Advisory Board Member at Emerging Europe, GSPN Initiative Leader at the Global SME Policy Network at Prince Sultan University (Saudi Arabia), Member of the Global GovTech Leaders Alliance, Member of the Agile Government Network International Group (USA) and is also serving other boards.
BSc. in Electrical Engineering, MSc. in Economy and Computer Science, educated at Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Marta is frequent panelist and speaker on the most prestigious ICT conferences worldwide on topics such as digital transformation, innovation, and eGovernment.