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COO, Comtrade Group
Vladan Atanasijević, a distinguished C-level executive, stands out in the tech industry for his innovative leadership and data-centric management style. His journey in the business world is marked by founding his own start-up, later acquired by the larger tech ecosystem, and taking on pivotal roles in leading companies like Comtrade Group, Asseco SEE, and Hermes Soft Lab. As part of leadership team at Comtrade Digital Services he steered company towards specific domains like FinTech, Mobility and Intralogistic, which eventually resulted in successful acquisition of CDS by Endava.

Beyond his corporate achievements, Vladan has been an influential figure in organizations such as NALED and the Serbian Managers Association (SAM), contributing to economic development and managerial excellence.

His leadership style is characterized by a unique blend of entrepreneurial dynamism and a human-centric approach, leading to transformative changes in the companies he has been part of. This approach has not only propelled these organizations to new heights in the global market but also earned him numerous accolades, recognizing his contribution to the tech industry and business leadership.

Being passionate about bringing vision to reality, Vladan spends his time between offices in Belgrade, Ljubljana, Dublin, and Boston. He enjoys spending time with his family and travels with them whenever possible.