Senior Economist, European Department, IMF
Ruben Atoyan is senior economist in the IMF’s European Department and the lead desk economist for Serbia. He has an extensive track record of operational program work aimed at addressing a wide range of issues, including balance of payment pressures, fiscal adjustments, structural reforms, and banking sector pressures. He has published numerous cross-country analyses, including on such topics as lessons from the transition to market-oriented economy in Eastern Europe and Western Balkans, impact of emigration on sending countries' income convergence, crisis resolution, and managing capital flow surges. In 2012-15, he was the IMF Resident representative to Bosnia and Herzegovina. A Russian national, he joined the IMF after he obtained his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2005 and since then worked on a number of emerging market and low income countries in Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus, Africa, Caribbean, and Latin America.