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BERG Daniel
Director for Serbia, EBRD
Daniel Berg became EBRD Director in Serbia in August 2015. He manages the Bank's office which is responsible for annual investments averaging Euro 480 million per year.

Daniel joined EBRD in 1995, coming from the US Department of Treasury, and served as Advisor in the US Executive Director’s office for three years. In 1997, he transferred  to full-time EBRD staff within the Banking Department, where he worked for the Financial Institutions Team. In 2000, he moved to Almaty Kazakhstan, where he developed the Bank's operations across sectors. From Kazakhstan, in 2004, Daniel became Head of Office in Kyrgyz Republic, managing the office and  overall operations. He was then asked to assume a similar role in Albania in 2007, followed by a Director’s position for Bulgaria.

Daniel is educated in the US, at Rutgers College and John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.