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BISIĆ Milica
Professor, FEFA Faculty/Consultant, KPMG
Milica Bisić is a Professor at FEFA teaching Public Finance and Tax Optimization Strategies and a Head of Corporate Affairs at KPMG Belgrade leading projects mostly related to public sector and private sector tax topics. She is a member of the Serbian Fiscal Association, the Serbian branch of International Fiscal Association – IFA.

She graduated and got PhD degree at Belgrade Economic Faculty, while she received MA degree from Zagreb Economic Faculty. She was, inter alia, Professor of Price Theory and Institutional Economics at Economic Faculty of Belgrade University, Director Corporate Affairs in Philip Morris Belgrade, Director Tax administration in Republic of Srpska and Deputy Minister of Finance in Serbia. For her efforts and achievements in combating tax evasion and corruption during her leadership in Tax Administration in Republic of Srpska, Transparency International awarded her with its most prestigious Integrity Award.

She is a coauthor of one textbook and two books, she publishes more than 40 articles and studies mostly in the fields of microeconomics, institutional economics, fiscal policy, and transition.