Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, 2008-2012
Mirko Cvetković is retired politician and consultant in private sector development and corporate finance. He is still active in consulting as well as in collaboration with several think tanks. In the capacity of a Short term consultant to the World Bank in last few years he participated in numerous projects in: Belarus, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Mozambique. His collaboration with think tanks includes: Institute for Cultural Diplomacy – Berlin (member of Advisory Board), IMAN Foundation – London (member of Advisory Board), NG International Center (member) and Podgorica Club (one of the founders and member of Management Board).
His professional career has included work in the following institutions and companies: Mining Institute (1976-1987), Economics Institute (1987-92), Center for Economic Studies “Mecon” (1992-2001) and Consulting Agency Intercon (2004-2007). In addition, he had a part time employment at the Faculty of Mining and Geology (1987-1989) as a lecturer. He has published three books and numerous articles locally and abroad.
His political career has included the following positions: Member of the Republican Parliament (July 2012-December 2012), Prime Minister of the Republican Government (2008-2012), Minister of finance in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Kostunica (2007-2008), Director of Privatization Agency (2003-2004) and Deputy Minister for Economy and Privatization in the Cabinet of the late Prime Minister Djindjic.
He is married and has two children and two grandchildren.