Minister of Information and Telecommunications, Government of the Republic of Serbia
Doc. Mihailo Jovanovic, Ph.D., graduated and received his Masters Degree at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade as one of the best students in his generation. He has a PhD. in economics and holds a title of Assistant Professor for the scientific field of quantitative methods. He has 20 years of professional experience in Telekom and the Post of Serbia, where he had, for the past 14 years, been a member of the Board of Directors responsible for information technology, electronic communications and development. In the period 2014-2016, as a member and coordinator of the Executive Board of the Post of Serbia, he contributed to the achievement of the best business results in the history of the Post. As of April 2017, he has worked as an eGovernment advisor in the Cabinet of the Prime Minister.
Doc. Mihailo Jovanovic, PhD., is a member of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers with the licences for responsible designer and contracting engineer for telecommunication networks and systems. He received the award of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Development of the Government of the Republic of Serbia in 2002 at a public call “for the best young researchers and scientists who, with their engagement, contributed to the development of science and technology, changes in the country, as well as the ongoing reforms; who remained in the country and contributed to its overall rapid development and connection with the world.” He is the author of several books, monographs and thirty expert scientific papers in the field of information and communication technologies, eBusiness and economics, presented at leading domestic and international conferences and in reference journals.
In addition to designing, developing and implementing a completely new postal technology and information system and establishing regional postal and logistics centers in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis, some of the very successful references of Mihailo Jovanović in the field of eGovernment are: establishment of the first qualified certification bodies for issuing qualified electronic certificates and time stamps in the Republic of Serbia, establishing a central system of electronic registers, “Baby, welcome to the world” project, registration of citizens for free shares and trading in securities, registration of citizens in the process of applying for restitution and technical and technological support to citizens in the process of TV signal digitalization.
Comes from a family of renowned Serbian doctors. He is a proud husband and a father of two boys.