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JOVIĆ Aleksandar
Assistant Minister, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Government of the Republic of Serbia
Aleksandar Jović, PhD. He received his PhD from the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Physical Chemistry. His research field is structural modification and reactions of microporous and mesoporous oxide-based environmentally-friendly materials for genotoxic substances removal. He had been working at the Faculty of Physical Chemistry of the University of Belgrade from October 2008 to June 2019 as teaching associate, teaching assistant and researcher. From August 2019 he had been working as assistant director at the National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Serbia – NEAQA in the sector for international affairs, project management and trainings. From September 2020 he is Assistant Minister for International Cooperation and European Integration in Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. He was a member of the Higher Education Reform Expert (HERE) team, established by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. He is co-author of the six SCI papers, one university textbook “Textbook for Chemical Kinetics”, and publications: “From Doctoral Studies to Doctoral Schools”, “Doctoral studies in Serbia”, “Science in Serbia 2010-2013” and “From Higher School and Lyceum to Present: University of Belgrade: 1808-2008”, as well as more than 10 papers on higher education reform in Serbia, presented at the national and international conferences.