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President of the Executive Board, Sava Insurance
Mr. Bojan Mijailović was born in 1977 and has more than 18 years of experience in the insurance and banking sectors. He gained extensive work experience in management positions in the insurance companies as well as in the National Bank of Serbia and commercial banks. 

In previous years, Mr. Mijailović has lead operations in life nad non-life businesses in Serbia with significant key financial figures improvement. At the beginning of 2021 he was appointed on the position of President of the Executive Board of „Sava neživotno osiguranje a.d.o.“ and a Country Manager for integrated Sava Insurance Group business in Serbian market. During the past three years he lead corporate improvement in the area of digitalisation and innovation which generate notable impovement of financials results. 

Mr. Bojan Mijailović graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics, holds a Certfified Actuary licence. He is a member of the Serbian Association of Managers.