PAVIĆ Amalija
Deputy Executive Director, AmCham Serbia
Amalija has over 20 years of experience in advising Government on economic policy issues, trade policy issues, business friendly reforms, either on behalf of the largest voluntary business association (American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia), or as a consultant of the Government (working on development projects funded by USAID and EU in Serbia and Montenegro).
Since 2007, she has been working at the American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia at progressively responsible positions, currently as Deputy Executive Director, responsible for all AmCham policy initiatives, Government relations and engagement with the international organizations aiming at improving business environment in Serbia. She has participated in the numerous Government formed working groups and bodies on different business environment topics and has contributed to business friendly changes of over 200 regulations (laws or by-laws) over 16 years, in the area of labor, tax, inspections, intellectual property, real estate, energy, corporate, data protection, agriculture, public procurement, enforcement, bankruptcy, competition, energy, banking and forex. As a part of business advocacy she participates at the expert conferences and forums, represents AmCham policy stances in the media and with all levels of Government officials.
She also worked as trade policy consultant on USAID and EU projects providing technical assistance to the Serbia’s and Montenegrin state administration in the area of negotiating CEFTA agreement. Apart from formulating proposals for regulatory reform in line with the EU and WTO rules, she participated directly in the bilateral WTO negotiations on services on behalf of Serbia, and later also Montenegro. Trade facilitation measures and regional trade through different FTA initiatives have been in her focus during the last 15 years.
Amalija holds M. Phil. in Political Science, and M.A. in Economics from Central European University in Budapest and B.A. in Economics from Belgrade University. She is married and has a son.