PERIĆ Nebojša
President, Commission for Protection of Competition
Upon graduating from the Faculty of Law at the University of Belgrade, Mr. Perić acquired extensive work experience in the judiciary, then, in the commercial sector by representing legal persons in property law, administrative and commercial affairs, and finally, in the public sector at several different positions (Director for legal, commercial and general affairs, Executive director for legal, financial and commercial business and Director of an enterprise).
While working in the above mentioned positions, he has participated in the process of drafting of laws, regulations and normative acts of the local self-government units, which were aimed at establishing a legal framework for the performance of their activities and activities of other entities founded by them. Mr. Perić has also managed and given lectures at meetings of professional assocations dealing with legal and economic issues, which included taking stances and positions, especially from the aspect of awareness raising on the part of entities performing aforementioned activities, primarily with the aim of preventing possible breaches of the Law on Protection of Competition (i.e. abuse of a dominant position).
Furthermore, in his previous posts, he has been engaged in protection of competition through drafting rulebooks in the field of protection of competition, as well as creating manuals and designing training for employees in the same field, especially pertaining to horizontal and vertical restrictive agreeements and potential abuses of a dominant position in the market.
He is a member of ACE (Association of Competition Economics), international association of competition economists.
Also, he is a member of the Board of Directors of ''Srpska banka'' a.d. Beograd and the Board for Monitoring Business of ''Srpska banka'' a.d. Beograd, for the period 2018-2019.
Last, but not least, he is the recipient of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce award for the regional business leader in 2018, for results achieved in doing business.
By Decision of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia of November 14, 2019, following the election procedure, he has been appointed President of the Commission for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia.