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CEO and Member of the Board of Directors, Fortenova Group, Croatia
Fabris Peruško, Member of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Fortenova Group
Fabris Peruško has since 1st April 2019 been Member of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Fortenova Group, which was established as a result of Agrokor's Extraordinary Administration Procedure and creditors' Settlement Plan.
Peruško joined the then Agrokor immediately after the opening of the Extraordinary Administration Procedure in May 2017, as Member of the Management Board of Tisak in charge of finance and restructuring of that Croatian national newsstand chain.
In February 2018, Peruško assumed the position of Extraordinary Commissioner at the Agrokor Group and in July 2018 he closed the EUR 7.7bn worth negotiations with Agrokor's more than 5700 creditors, which led to the adoption of the creditors' Settlement Plan. The project of Agrokor's financial restructuring through the Extraordinary Administration received the Turnaround and Transaction Award (TMA) as the most successful project of its kind in the world in 2018.
Following the Settlement Plan implementation, Fortenova Group was established, with Peruško at its helm continuing to carry out key business restructuring projects intended to improve the system's profitability and efficiency which resulted in a decrease of total net debt from EUR 1.7 to 1.1 bn and EBITDA improvements in excess of EUR 180 m. During this part of his tenure, Fortenova Group successfully refinanced its EUR 1.15 bn debt, integrated Mercator while refinancing its external indebtedness under the syndicated loan with almost EUR 500 m and successfully completed the sale of the Frozen Food Business Group for EUR 615 m.
Along with running the company's operations, Peruško has also initiated and runs the implementation of an improved corporate governance model within the system, with increased corporate governance quality and transparency as well as enhanced professional and ethical standards at Fortenova Group as key areas of his activities. 
Prior to joining Agrokor, Peruško served as Director of Operations at, the CIS branch of London's Global Fashion Group (GFG), where he was in charge of a comprehensive transformation of the firm's business model. He also spent five years at the world's leading consultancy company McKinsey & Co., working on restructuring projects.
Fabris Peruško holds a degree in electrical engineering and a master's degree in economics from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. He also holds an MBA from Boston's Babson College, USA. Besides his native Croatian, Fabris speaks English, Slovenian and Italian.