Member of the Management Board, GTC
Work experience
Dates: January 2022. - YTD
Occupation or position held: Chief Development Officer
Name and address of employer: GTC Group
Type of business or sector: Real Estate
Dates: January 2012. – January 2022.
Occupation or position held: CEO
Name and address of employer: GTC Serbia, Belgrade
Type of business or sector: Real Estate, in charge of € 0.5b asset management, 30+ direct employees and 100+ outsourced personnel
Dates: July 2008. – December 2011.
Occupation or position held: Development Director
Name and address of employer: GTC Serbia, Belgrade
Type of business or sector: Real Estate
Dates: July March 2004. – July 2008.
Occupation or position held: Division Director
Name and address of employer: Mercury Engineering d.o.o, Omladinskih brigada 88, 11070 New Belgrade, Serbia
Type of business or sector:Construction Engineering Company
Dates: March 2003. – March 2004.
Occupation or position held: General Manager
Name and address of employer: Metacon d.o.o., Belgrade, Serbia
Type of business or sector: Sales and Engineering company
Dates: January 2001. – March 2003.
Occupation or position held: Regional Managing Director
Name and address of employer: IMI International, Belgrade, Serbia
Type of business or sector: Sales and Engineering company for HVAC equipment
Dates: January 1998. – July 2000.
Occupation or position held: Contract Manager
Name and address of employer: Atlantic Technology, Gaborone, Botswana
Type of business or sector: Mechanical and Electrical Contracting Company. In charge of 100+ employees and projects with total value over $150 mil
Education and training
Dates: 1991. – 1997.
Title of qualification awarded: Graduated Mechanical Engineer
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered: Graduated Mechanical Engineer, Field of expertise – HVAC Installations
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade
Level in national or international classification: ISCED 6
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s) Serbian
Other language(s)
European level (*)
- Listening Proficient User C2
- Reading Proficient User C2
- Spoken interaction Proficient User C2
- Spoken production Proficient User C2
Writing Proficient User C2
- Listening Independent User B1
- Reading Independent User B1
- Spoken interaction Basic User A1
- Spoken production Basic User A1
Writing Basic User A1