ROSSI Romano
Vice President, Confindustria Serbia
Gennaio 2020 - Attuale
Founder/Partner F.lli Rossi Shoes, Sombor
- Production of Shoe components for luxury brands
- New ergonomic job environment (first in Europe), circular structure to optimize productions flow
- 650 people employed (hirement plan of 180 more within 2025)
Settembre 2001 - Attuale
Founder Progetti doo, Vladimirci (Serbia)
- Manufactures of shoes and shoes components for luxury brands
- Ownership of factories (Vladimirci, Sombor, Knjazevac), more than 1.000 employees
- Almost a million pairs worked per year
- Internal development of a software system for process implementation and control (later patented): barracuda
Giugno 1992 - Settembre 2001
Founder East West Internationa srl, Italy
- Company specialized in outsorcing part of Process/Product abroad (labor intensive items) with particular referrement to low costs countries (Former Yugoalvia, East Europe in general)
- International worldwide known brands where relocating part of their processes abroad through East West which established a stable organization in Serbia, Bosnia and Macedonia
Settembre 1990 - Aprile 1992
General Manager Yuoslavia Branch Intershoes inc., Belgrade
Novembre 1989 - Settembre 1990
East Europe source Market Manager Intershoe Inc., Italy/Yugoslavia
Giugno 1989 - Ottobre 1989
Trainee Intershoe Inc. , New York
- Post graduation job experience trained for managing a multinational american shoe industry sourcing products in Europe
- On site tailored managing formation to apply the most efficient solution to outsource product from Italy and from low labor costs countries
Laurea Economia e Commercio
Universita' degli Studi, Perugia
Graduation Thesis in "Referring model for Profit Maximization in
Manufacturing industries". Thesis Supervisor Prof. Gino Lorenzini.