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Member of the BoD, Banka Intesa
Vladimir Vuckovic is a member of the Board of Directors in Banka Intesa Belgrade and Leading Lecturer in Mokra Gora School of Management. He was a member of Fiscal Council of the Republic of Serbia (2011-2020), independent institution which assist Serbian Govern-ment and Parliament in reaching fiscal and financial stability, transparency and predictabil-ity. He graduated from Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade in 1997, received his master’s degree in 2000 and his PhD degree in 2004 from the same faculty. At the same department, he was awarded the title of teaching assistant in 1998, and of assistant profes-sor in 2004. He had been teaching at Faculty of International Economics, Megatrend Univer-sity since 2008 untill 2016. His scientific fields are macroeconomic policy in the open econ-omy and international financial management.